typo in basic section

Issue #918 resolved
Nov Matake created an issue

The word "form-urlencoded" in the below sentence should be removed.

"The Client authenticates itself by communicating its form-urlencoded Client Credentials in an Authorization header using the HTTP Basic method"


Comments (3)

  1. Brian Campbell

    Strange as it may seem, I believe it's correct as is.

    §2.3.1 of RFC 6749 (OAuth) has:

    "Clients in possession of a client password MAY use the HTTP Basic authentication scheme as defined in [RFC2617] to authenticate with the authorization server. The client identifier is encoded using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoding algorithm per Appendix B, and the encoded value is used as the username; the client password is encoded using the same algorithm and used as the password."

    see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-2.3.1

  2. Michael Jones

    We will revise the text to make it consistent with the description in Core, which doesn't say things in the same way that this section in Basic does.

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