Migration - ed - 6. Verification of the authoritativeness of the Connect OP (mbj)

Issue #937 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Currently: Therefore, verifying that the OP is indeed authoritative for the OpenID 2.0 Identifier is imperative. To establish the authoritativeness for OpenID 2.0 Identifier,

Change to: Therefore, verifying that the OP is indeed authoritative for the OpenID 2.0 Identifier is imperative. To establish that the OpenID 2.0 Identifier is authoritative,

Comments (2)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter
    • changed status to open

    In the text, "the authoritativeness" actually means "the authoritativeness of the OpenID Connect OP" and not that of OpenID 2.0 Identifier.

    Perhaps we can clarify by adding "of the OpenID Connect OP", but I am not comfortable with the proposed change as it is not the authoritativeness of the identifier that we are talking about.

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