Migration - Use AuthZEP instead of AuthzEP in the diagram (by mbj)

Issue #939 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

In the sequence diagram: s/AuthzEP/AuthZEP/ s/Authn/AuthN/

Comments (6)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter
    • changed status to open

    From the camel case point of view and easiness to view, AuthzEP is much easier than AuthZEP. That's why it was deliberately chosen to be AuthzEP. There after, it is using Authn instead of AuthN, but this is for the consistency within this diagram.

  2. Michael Jones

    OpenID Connect Core uses AuthZ and AuthN in its diagrams and this is fairly standard industry terminology, so I'd prefer that we stuck with it. The way to make the diagram readable for terms like AuthZEP is to use a space, so that it becomes AuthZ EP.

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