
Clone wiki

connect / Connect_Meeting_Notes_2018-08-16

Date: 2018-03-05 23:00 UTC

Location: GoToMeeting

The meeting was called to order at 14:05 UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Present:
    • Nat Sakimura,
    • Mike Jones,
    • Andreas Solberg,
    • Chris Phillips,
    • Filip Skokan,
    • Henrik Biering,
    • JF Lombardo,
    • Michael Schwarts,
    • Rich Levinson,
    • Roland Hedberg,
    • Steffen Klemer (DFN),
    • Torsten Lodderstedt

3.   Issues

4.   Topics on the list (Nat)

  • Hybird flow refresh tokens with javascript clients (SureshAtt)
  • Federation Design (Andreas/Mike S.)

5.   IETF Report

  • OAuth JAR: A few issues were spotted at this late stage. Nat is asking the AD if he can make changes now.

7.   AOB

The meeting was adjourned at 23:__ UTC.
