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connect / Connect_Meeting_Notes_2019-09-12_Atlantic

OpenID AB/Connect Call Note (2019-09-12)

Date: 2019-09-12 15:00 UTC

Location: GoToMeeting

The meeting was called to order at 15:08 UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Present: Bjorn, Mike Nat, Bart, Geesing, Brian, George, Marcos
  • Regret:

3.   Events

3.2.   FDX Developer Conference Report (Bjorn)

1. At the FDX developers conference yesterday the FAPI presentation and announcement of the general availability of CIBA self certification was well received. The technical leadership of the FAPI WG appreciated, e.g. less work for them to do. 2 The FDX standards development work groups are in their early formative stages. 3. FDX Certification Program is just now beginning to be organized.

4.   Liaisons

4.1.   ISO/IEC SC 27/WG 5 (Tony/Nat)

  • There meeting is between Oct. 14 - 18.
  • Need to send the Liaison report.
  • Sending some of our specs to them to get ISO number is an option to consider as well, though ITU-T is easier.

7.   Reciprocal OAuth (George)

Reciprocal OAuth is going to the last call soon. We should do careful read and give feedback.

11.   AOB

The call closed at 15:__ UTC
