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connect / Connect_Meeting_Notes_2020-10-08_Atlantic

OpenID AB/Connect WG Meeting Notes (2020-10-08)

The meeting was called to order at 14:00 UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Attending: Nat Sakimura, John Bradley, Tom Jones, Tim Cappelli, Kristina Yasuda, Joseph Heenan.
  • Regrets: Mike Jones
  • Guest:

3.   External Organizations and events

3.1.   FDX (Nat)

Joint workshop on the 28th.

3.3.   W3C (Tom)

3.3.1.   WebID and IsLoggedIn (Tom)

Tom reported that Google proposal (WebID) is not moving but Apple one seem to be going fast.

Tim reported that he is agreeing to Facebook's response that "Apple is proposing a fix to a problem that they created that the rest of the industry hasn't agreed is a problem yet".

John commented that this shold be a topic in TPAC starting next wekk.

3.3.2.   WebAuthen WG (John)

John is working on WebAuthen Level 2 and trying to include Kim's use-case.

4.   Drafts

4.1.   SIOP Use-case document (Kristina/Tim)

Tom pointed out why Key-rotation/recovery and Claims binding is "Out-of-scope". Kristina responded that it was made out of scope as it is alrady being worked on by drafts.

It was pointed out that this document is on requirements so it should cover all of them. Additionally, since it is a requirement document, it should not talk about how to solve.

Kristina fixed the document on the fly.

Nat stated that this is a starting point and folks should file issues against it and make PRs as needed.

4.2.   prompt=create draft (George)

As George was not available, this topic was skipped.

4.3.   OpenID Self-issued (Tom)

There has not been any comments yet. Tobias seems not have time to work on it either. Nat has asked some people to read it and comment but it has not come thorugh yet. The discussion will be taken up again in the next call.

5.   FAL 3 discussion (John)

John mentioned that it is likely that if OIDF comes up with a profile of OpenID Connect, it will be blessed by NIST/OMB.

Tom: posted Also told Kanara has proposed to DHS to write a profile for Native Apps for AAL3. It is also considering profile for FAL3.

John will be able to start helping the drafting in a few months but callers agreed that we should make a call for editors for this project so that we can start working sooner as well as will have "new blood" in the editing team.

6.   AOB

The meeting was adjourned at 15:01 UTC
