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connect / Connect_Meeting_Notes_2020-12-17_Atlantic

OpenID AB/Connect WG Meeting Notes (2020-12-17)

The meeting was called to order at 15:__ UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Attending: Nat, Mike, Filip, George, Tom, Oliver, Achim, Alberto, Kristina, Tim
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

3.   Internal Liaisons

3.1.   Conditional claims managed by eKYC WG (Torsten/Alberto)

Alberto Pulido made an invited presentation on work happening in the eKYC-IDA working group

The existence of claim values meeting criteria can be obtained without revealing the value

For instance, age >= 18

Oliver asked whether they looked into using JSON Path for this

Albert responded that they looked at a number of other proposals

They wanted something simple

Oliver said that JSON Path already has relational operators

Mike asked whether JSON Path supports querying for values without revealing them

Alberto said that operators can be combined

Mike said that possibly JSON Path operator syntax can be used even if all of it isn't applicable

George asked about internationalization considerations

George asked Bjorn whether features of the MODRNA User Questioning API might be applicable

Bjorn thought so

John observed that there are cans of works about displaying arbitrary RP strings in the OP interface

Alberto said that values may need to be checked in the back end

Nat said that the purpose of the presentation was to ask whether to do this work in eKYC-IDA or in the Connect WG

George: There's value of having this work in a common setting

John: We had the age claim as an example in the Core spec

Bjorn: I believe this belongs in a central place, therefore should be in the Connect WG

Nat asked if there's enough bandwidth and volunteers to work on this item

eKYC has a bunch of people that want to work on it

But Nat agrees that it should be in Connect

John asked whether those from eKYC could participate in the Connect WG

John: We could have special calls for this

Mike: We don't want to create a subgroup if that loses the benefit of broad WG review and participation

Bjorn: Agrees with Mike. Said that this can be addressed by having published agendas.

George: We need decent read-out on a frequent basis to get broad review

Nat: We would need a leader for the work

John: They're just additional working calls with a dedicated agenda

Mike: We don't want subgroups. We want focus areas or work items.

John: They can just be calls with agendas published in advance. If they have clear topics, people will self-select.

Kristina: They can be special topic calls. Several people agreed.

John: You need a separate field for language/script designation. UTF-8 is not self-describing.

John: We should have a contributed document as a starting point

Alberto will join the working group and contribute the document

Nat: We need to identify a leader and then announce special topic calls

Kristina will serve as a SIOP topic leader.

Mike and Oliver will back her up.

4.   External organizations and events

4.1.   W3C (George/John/Kristina)

George gave a status update on both IsLoggedIn and WebID


Apple is pressing forward with IsLoggedIn

It might clear cookies for inactive logins

The W3C TAG wants to make sure that different browsers implement the same things


Google has put WebID support in Chrome canary 89

Tim said that it currently errors out early

George and Vittorio Bertocci are working on responding to these

Achim would like to support their work

Tim said that many consumers wouldn't know that being logged out at Google will also log them out at YouTube

Tom observed that first party sets could be ambiguous

For instance, is the same as

George said that IsLoggedIn currently is only aware of password managers or WebAuthn - not federation, etc.

Tim and Tom and George and Vittorio will organize a special call about this

4.2.   DIF

Kristina reports that DIF is holding a virtual F2F on January 19

5.   Drafts and Ideas

5.1.   SIOP draft (Kristina)

Tobias circulated SIOP scopes document and breaking scope into parts.

WG members are asked to provide comments and feedback.

The contributed V2 draft matches the scopes of work agreed to on the last call

We discussed adopting the draft on that basis

5.3.   prompt=create draft (George)

George received feedback on use of metadata

He will publish an updated draft

6.   Specification Approval Votes

Mike reported that there are three outstanding spec approval votes, all of which need more participation

FAPI 1.0 Final Specifications
MODRNA Connect User Questioning API Implementer's Draft
FastFed Implementer's Drafts

7.   AOB

The meeting was adjourned at 15:__ UTC
