possible type confusion with distributed/aggregated claims

Issue #1331 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

As originally mentioned on https://bitbucket.org/openid/ekyc-ida/pull-requests/144#comment-340866589 the JWS for distributed/aggregated claims the recommendation in the JWT BCP say we should try to make sure these objects can’t be confused with other JWS objects.

e.g. As the object contains iss & sub, it can potentially be confused with an id_token (and that would be bad, as someone obtaining the claim object may then be able to use it as an id_token at services that allow id_tokens from that issuer to be used/exchanges for other things).

This could be avoided by explicitly saying that these objects must not contain exp / aud, which would mean they can’t be valid id tokens.

Additionally, defining an explicit value to be used in the typ header would probably also make sense.

Comments (9)

  1. Joseph Heenan reporter

    I think prohibiting exp / aud is pivotal to preventing type confusion with id tokens, as the id token validation rules don't include checking typ.

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