Inconsistency around encrypted ID Tokens

Issue #112 resolved
Brian Campbell created an issue

5.2.2 Authorization Server has "should support signed and encrypted ID Token" while 5.2.4 Confidential Client has "shall require both JWS signed and JWE encrypted ID Tokens". The "should" in the first statement seems inconsistent with the "shall" in the second statement.

It's not clear to me that encrypted ID Tokens are necessary so maybe both statements could use "should" or even "may"? Regardless the inconsistency should probably be resolved (or explain why it's not actually inconsistent).

Comments (6)

  1. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open

    Good point. I spotted the same actually earlier this week after reading the blog by Takahiko and was wondering if it is OK to make both 'should'. (Definitely not 'may', though. Alternatively, logically it is possible to make it 'shall" for the server and 'should' for the client.)

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