TLS cipher restrictions should be relaxed for the authorise endpoint

Issue #129 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

OpenBanking have decided to allow more ciphers on the authorise endpoints for user-agent interoperability reasons:

We should probably make some allowance for this in the FAPI spec - I'm not sure what we should actually recommend though; perhaps just say it may be weaker and use there own judgement to follow BCP195?

Comments (18)

  1. Tom Jones

    I disagree. Over time we know that stronger encryption becomes a requirement and that many organizations differ updating. Not good to encourage bad behaviors.

  2. Joseph Heenan reporter

    The current OB resolution is "Clarification to reflect that the ASPSP's are free to support a more expansive list of TLS Ciphers on the Authorization Server Endpoint than is explicitly supported by the FAPI Read Write Security Profile section 8.6 "

    @tomcjones I'm not sure I follow what are you suggesting.

    The point here is that banks believe that FAPI compliant services have poor user agent interoperability so are deploying non-compliant services.

    If we believe user agent interoperability is poor, I believe we should update FAPI to improve user agent interoperability.

  3. Tom Jones

    I think you miss my point. It does not seem to be a good idea for implementers to have freedom to pick whichever crypto algorithm they like. It always ends badly.

  4. Joseph Heenan reporter

    @tomcjones Ah, got it.

    What's unclear is what we should actually say. Do you have any suggestions?

  5. Tom Jones

    you could answer Nat's questions - what do you want to add. Taking away all restrictions seems like the wrong approach.

  6. Joseph Heenan reporter

    I did answer Nat's question about what OpenBanking added - the exact text they added is "ASPSP's are free to support a more expansive list of TLS Ciphers on the Authorization Server Endpoint than is explicitly supported by the FAPI Read Write Security Profile section 8.6 " There is no further guidance in the OpenBanking spec.

    Sadly I'm not a user agent interoperability expert so I don't have any good insight.

    The options we currently have on the table are:

    A) Keep as is; seems bad for interoperability and/or compliance with the spec

    B) Leave it up to the AS implementor as OpenBanking are doing currently

    C) State in FAPI part 2 that, for the authorization_endpoint only, more ciphers may be permitted and BCP195 should be followed

    D) Find someone who is an expert in this area to give us a better proposal

    E) Follow a third party document, eg.

    Of these "D" seems best if we can, failing that the best option currently on the table is "C" in my opinion.

  7. Tom Jones

    I have no objection to the statement as written. Does anyone think there might be a better place in the document that applies more broadly?

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