requirements on RSA/EC key sizes should apply to more situations

Issue #213 closed
Joseph Heenan created an issue

Part 1 says the authorization server:

  • shall require a key of size 2048 bits or larger if RSA algorithms are used for the client authentication;

  • shall require a key of size 160 bits or larger if elliptic curve algorithms are used for the client authentication;

I find it odd that I can't obviously find these requirements echoed for:

1) client keys in other cases (e.g. request object signing key used for oauth-mtls)

2) keys used by the AS (e.g. to sign the id_token)

Comments (10)

  1. Dave Tonge

    Merged in josephheenan/fapi/key-sizes (pull request #96)

    FAPI-R: Widen restrictions on RSA/EC key sizes to all situations

    Currently the key size requirements only apply to client authentication, but they should also apply to any use of keys, for example signing request objects and id_tokens. Reword the relevant clauses to cover everything.

    (For RSA, we are only re-stating what's already in RFC7518.)

    closes #213

    Approved-by: Brian Campbell Approved-by: Dave Tonge

    → <<cset 5817376f036a>>

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