(te) 5.2.2 Add a note explaining why this profile mandates "shall not support CIBA push mode;"

Issue #235 closed
Nat Sakimura created an issue

The readers would have hard time understanding why push mode shall not be used without a note.

Comments (3)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    Agreed on call to add a note to this affect; it’s about the desire not to introduce a new unproven way to deliver tokens.

  2. Joseph Heenan

    CIBA: Add notes about 'ping' and 'push' modes

    The ping and push modes have new semantics, and it is worthwhile to explain why push mode is not permitted, and why ping mode's non-sender constrained bearer token does not give rise to any significant concern.

    closes #230

    closes #235

    → <<cset a0fb98cc1328>>

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