FAPI-CIBA: Is request_context a claim or a request parameter?

Issue #243 closed
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

It's ambiguous whether request_context is a claim in a signed authentication request (CIBA Core 7.1.1) or a request parameter (CIBA Core 7.1).

The following are excerpts from the FAPI-CIBA profile that mention request_context.

FAPI-CIBA profile, 5.2.2 Authorization Server

10. may require clients to provide a request_context claim as defined in section 5.3 of this profile; and

FAPI-CIBA profile, 5.3 Extensions to CIBA authentication request

This profile defines the following extensions to the authentication request defined in CIBA section 7.1.

1. request_context: OPTIONAL. a JSON object (the contents of which are not defined by this specification) containing information to inform fraud and threat decisions. For example, an ecosystem may require relying parties to provide geolocation for the consumption device.

"CIBA section 7.1" referred to in the first paragraph of FAPI-CIBA 5.3 lists request parameters, not claims. If "CIBA section 7.1.1" were referred to instead of "CIBA section 7.1", there would be no ambiguity and readers would think that request_context is a claim in a signed authentication request.

If request_context is a request parameter like client_notification_token, it should be written explicitly.

Comments (5)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    It’s worded in that way as there was some last minute discussion about whether signed requests would be required or not.

    As per https://openid.net/specs/openid-financial-api-ciba.html#authorization-server :

    shall require Backchannel Authentication Endpoint requests to be signed as described in [CIBA] 7.1.1;

    this requires that request_context must be passed only inside the signed request object to comply with the FAPI-CIBA spec.

    It’d probably be worthwhile us adding an example.

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