FAPI-CIBA mentions 'FAPI lodging intent' doc but links only to pushed request object

Issue #272 closed
Joseph Heenan created an issue

The ID1 and current draft of FAPI-CIBA both contain this sentence:

In scenarios where complex authorization parameters need to be conveyed from the Client to the AS, implementers should consider the "lodging intent" pattern described in [FAPILI]. The use of parameterized scope values or the use of an additional request parameter are both supported by this specification. Examples of both patterns are shown in [FAPILI].

but FAPILI is a link to https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/src/master/Financial_API_Pushed_Request_Object.md and that only shows one pattern (not the two patterns FAPI-CIBA say it contains) and it’s also not immediately obvious how to apply that to CIBA given that https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/src/master/Financial_API_Pushed_Request_Object.md#markdown-header-54-authorization-request only shows an Authorization Endpoint example and not a Backchannel Authentication Endpoint example.

I guess the FAPILI reference was intended to link to https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/src/master/Financial_API_Lodging_Intent.md - it looks like I just added the wrong link when I created the text to solve https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/issues/228/ciba-and-lodging-intent 😞

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