treatment of authorization request parameters outside PAR

Issue #340 resolved
Brian Campbell created an issue

Baseline has "shall reject authorization requests sent without [@I-D.lodderstedt-oauth-par] or authorization request parameters sent outside of the PAR request, except for request_uri and client_id"

But request parameters outside shouldn't require rejection, rather they just must not be relied upon so should be ignored.  The end of even talks about why a client might send parameters duplicated outside. Also the I-D.lodderstedt-oauth-par reference should be I-D.ietf-oauth-par.

Comments (6)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    I agree with this, and the PAR-supporting versions of FAPI v1 conformance tests explicitly require requests to be accepted both with and without scope/response_type duplicates (as well as having a bunch of tests to try to verify that values outside the request object are ignored).

  2. Brian Campbell reporter

    missed this part “Also the I-D.lodderstedt-oauth-par reference should be I-D.ietf-oauth-par.”

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