Resolve '?' in FAPI1 vs FAPI2 differences table

Issue #471 closed
Joseph Heenan created an issue

We should probably do something about the '?' in this table:

I’d suggest we can say something like “PAR request uris have a limited lifetime” (and adding a ‘shall’ clause with a limit on lifetime as I think the PAR RFC doesn’t have any normative language on this point?).

Comments (9)

  1. Mark Verstege

    Australia has chosen a Request URI expiry requirement of between 10 seconds and 90 seconds.

    RFC9126 does provide indicative guidance, but not explicit restrictions:

    The request URI lifetime is at the
    discretion of the authorization server but will typically be
    relatively short (e.g., between 5 and 600 seconds)

  2. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Suggested text: “shall issue pushed authorization responses with expires_in values between 5 and 600 seconds.”

    and for the table:

    ”prevents pre-generation of requests”

  3. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Add explicit clause about lifetime of request_uri

    This resolves a '?' in the FAPI1 vs FAPI2 table.

    The upstream spec doesn't have any required lifetimes, only recommended ones. We turn the recommendation into a 'shall'.

    closes #471

    → <<cset d156a751679a>>

  4. Nat Sakimura

    Maybe a good idea but not directly can be derived from the attacker model.

    Also, it may limit the applicability to some use-cases.

  5. Dave Tonge

    Add explicit clause about lifetime of request_uri

    This resolves a '?' in the FAPI1 vs FAPI2 table.

    The upstream spec doesn't have any required lifetimes, only recommended ones. We turn the recommendation into a 'shall'.

    closes #471

    → <<cset ed02693a0de7>>

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