Create security note/consideration on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay (FAPI 1.0 Advanced)

Issue #527 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Need to document the approach to B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay in the security analysis

Comments (9)

  1. Dave Tonge

    to double check that we aren’t covering it already, and to check that the other documented attacks are either dealt with or covered by security considerations

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Merged in fapi1_errata_527 (pull request #429)

    fixes #527 - Create security note/consideration on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay (FAPI 1.0 Advanced)

    Approved-by: Dima Postnikov Approved-by: Dave Tonge Approved-by: Nat Sakimura Approved-by: Joseph Heenan

    → <<cset cdf755de9937>>

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