bullet 5 missing a word or a comma?

Issue #650 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

It goes:

(Clients,) if using private_key_jwt, shall use the Authorization Server's issuer identifier value (as defined in [RFC8414]) in the aud claim sent in client authentication assertions, and the issuer identifier value should be sent as a string not as an item in an array

The bold-faced sentence seems to be missing a word or a comma. Perhaps it should be:

(Clients,) if using private_key_jwt, shall use the Authorization Server's issuer identifier value (as defined in [RFC8414]) in the aud claim sent in client authentication assertions, and the issuer identifier value should be sent as a string, not as an item in an array

Also, since the main subject of the sentences here is “Clients”, it does not read too well. Perhaps it should be “received” instead of “sent”.

Comments (5)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter

    In addition, we may want to avoid the passive form “should be”.

    Also this “should be” introduces an ambiguity. Do we allow it to be received as an item in an array?

    If not, perhaps:

    (Clients,) if using private_key_jwt, shall use the Authorization Server's issuer identifier value (as defined in [RFC8414]) received as a string and not as an item in an array in the aud claim sent in client authentication assertions

    Have we defined client authentication assertions, by the way?

  2. Brian Campbell

    Have we defined client authentication assertions, by the way?

    Somewhat indirectly by reference to private_key_jwt which is from sec 9 of OIDC core and describes jwt client assertion auth from rfc7523.

  3. Brian Campbell

    Also, since the main subject of the sentences here is “Clients”, it does not read too well. Perhaps it should be “received” instead of “sent”.

    In this context the client is creating the JWT and including it in an HTTP request to the AS. So “sent” is correct. The client is sending.

  4. Daniel Fett

    I’ll change it to the following in the PR:

     1. if using `private_key_jwt`, shall use the Authorization Server's
        issuer identifier value (as defined in [@RFC8414]) in the `aud`
        claim in client authentication assertions, and should send the issuer
        identifier value as a string, not as an item in an

    The ‘sent’ can be removed to shorten the sentence. I added the missing comma and used active voice.

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