Fix various spelling and grammatical mistakes

Issue #669 resolved
Mark Verstege created an issue

Spelling mistakes:

  1. 5.1. (3) “interopable” should be “interoperable”
  2. 5.5, row 3 “defenses” should be “defences”
  3. 5.6.2, second last sentence “tradeoffs” should be “trade-offs”
  4. 5.6.6, final paragraph “defenses” should be “defences”

Grammatical corrections:

  1. 5.1.1. change “general purpose” to “general-purpose”
  2. 5.2.3. should the example TLDs be encased in quotes? That is, “.bank” and “.insurance”
  3. (11) add a full stop after “seconds”
  4. NOTE 1 add a comma after “interoperability” so it reads “In order to facilitate interoperability, the authorization server…”
  5. NOTE 2 add a comma after “However” so it reads “However, to allow for operational agility,…”
  6. numbered list: be consistent with the line ending punctuation (some times there is a comma, semicolon or full stop). Suggest adding a full stop and removing commas and semicolons.
  7. NOTE 2 add a full stop at the end of the note.
  8. NOTE 1 change “it's” to “its”: that is “… synchronise its own clock when…”
  9. 5.6.1 change “short lived” to “short-lived”
  10. 5.6.1 change “life time” to “lifetime”
  11. 6.6.5 third paragraph change “attacker controlled” to “attacker-controlled”
  12. 5.6.6. change “attackers” to “attacker's” adding the possessive apostrophe

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