First cut of an advice document

#129 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in josephheenan/fapi/advice (pull request #129)

13c3646·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-09-17


We’ve talked for a long time about providing some advice around FAPI, and it was something that came up again on the 3rd July call.

Given that more ecosystems are looking into FAPI, there is some urgency on ensuring any mistakes made in existing ecosystems are not copied, and hence I’ve had a very quick go at starting such a document and covering a handful of the points we’ve previously discussed covering in such a document.

I’m happy for feedback in any form; I’ve arbitrarily made a range of decisions many of which may need to be revisited, but if I’m closing to the mark I’d suggest adopting / merging this so it can be further refined by the working group members.

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