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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2016-06-06

Financial API (FAPI) Work Group Meeting Notes (2016-06-06)

DATE: 2016-06-06 9:06AM - 9:50AM CDT

LOCATION: New Orleans Marriott 3rd floor + GoToMeeting.


* Nat Sakimura - Chairman, OpenID Foundation
* Don Thibeau - Executive Director, OpenID Foundation
* Rob Laurence - Innovate Identity
* Steve Greenberg - Independent Consultant
* Henrik Biering - Peercraft
* Nov Matake - OpenID Foundation Japan
* Bertrand Carlier - Solucom
* Mike Jones - Microsoft
* George Fletcher - AOL
* John Bradley - Ping Identity
* Adam Dawes - Google
* Brian Berliner - Symantec
* Tony Nadalin - Microsoft
* Lydia Vasquez - PayPal
* Dale Olds - VMWare
* Masanori Kusunoki- Yahoo! Japan
* Tom Smedinghoff - Locke Lord
* Doug Foiles - Intuit
* Mike Leszcz - OIDF & OIX

Nat Sakimura called the meeting to order at 9:06AM CST.

This was the inaugural OpenID Foundation Financial API (FAPI) Working Group meeting.


Note well:

NOTICE: An OpenID IPR contribution agreement is not
mandatory in order to participate in this workshop. If
participants provide feedback, they (on behalf of
themselves and any organization they represent) are
deemed to agree that: Attendee gives the OIDF the right
to use their feedback and comments. Attendee grants to
the OpenID Foundation a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive,
royalty-free, worldwide license, with the
right to directly and indirectly sublicense, to use,
copy, license, publish, and distribute and exploit the
Feedback in any way, and to prepare derivative works
that are based on or incorporate all or part of the
Feedback for the purpose of developing and promoting
OpenID Foundation specifications and enabling the
implementation of the same. Also, by giving Feedback,
attendee warrants that they have rights to provide this
feedback. Please note that feedback is not treated as
confidential and that OpenID Foundation is not required
to incorporate feedback into any version of an OIDF

Nat explained the reason for having the IPR Agreement - to make sure that the end specification is completely open and not encumbered by patent protected contributions.


  • Charter link-
  • Nat reviewed the draft Charter.
  • One thing is out of scope - web payment. Need to liaise with W3C Web Payment WG.
  • Email is the primary vehicle for working group communication but there will still be regular monthly conference call for status checks.

The working group will schedule face-to-face meetings when convenient adjacent to other industry events.

Nat opened the call to solicit any changes to the draft FAPI WG Charter. There was none proposed.

Charter was adopted unanimously.


Nat Sakimura is the acting working group chair.

Tony Nadalin from Microsoft and Anoop Saxena from Inuit have indicated interest in being a co-chairs.

The FAPI Working Group unanimously selected:

Nat Sakimura (NRI),
Tony Nadalin (Microsoft), and
Anoop Saxena (Intuit) as co-chairs of the FAPI WG.


Global participation creates meeting scheduling issues.

Alternating working group call schedule was proposed:

    1. calls a month.
    1. US/AsiaPac time and (1) US/EU time.

The FAPI Working Group meeting schedule to be posted to the working group webpage.

Exact schedule is to be worked out in the mailing list.


5.1.   Roadmap

Nat proposed that the WG should consider the UK Open Banking Standard (OBS) schedule as it relates to the FAPI WG spec development. The release dates proposed by OBS are:

  • Release 1 - January 2017
  • Release 2 - March 2017
  • Release 3 - March 2018
  • Release 4 - March 2019


FAPI WG should beat the deadline enough to be adopted there.

5.2.   Spec Format

The Open Banking Standard suggests HAL, Swagger, and RAML.

Nat recommended HAL for defining the interaction between endpoints, and Swagger for defining the interaction to an endpoint, for now.

5.3.   Spec Language

Nat suggested that as the FAPI WG may wish to submit the spec to ISO/TC 68 as:

While historically we have been using IETF language, since we need to consider this to be submit to ISO/TC68 at a later date, it would be better to use ISO language described at

WG unanimously agreed on it.

5.4.   Establishing a liaison relationship with the ISO/TC68 Financial Services

As a corollary, we probably want to establish a liaison with ISO/TC68.

  • To be discussed further at the OIDF board meeting on June 6, 2016.
  • Mike Jones made the point that submission to ISO would be down the road once the specification has been developed.
  • Tony Nadalin asked if the plan is to get the entire spec through ISO or just registering the spec with ISO? Nat suggested that would be determined later.

5.5.   Recruitment of other members

Nat pointed out the needs for reaching out. We need members from all the continents.

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Asia

6.   AOB

Intuit is going to contribute Durable Data API (DDA) to the FAPI Working Group.

  • Currently being used by US financial institutions.
  • Nat reviewed the spec - very US-centric and needs to be internationalized but it is a good starting point otherwise.

Nat concluded the FAPI Working Group meeting at 9:50AM CST.
