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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2016-09-14

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2016-09-14)

Date & Time: 2016-09-14 14:00 UTC
(07:00 PDT, 15:00 UK, 16:00 Denmark, 23:00 JST)

Location: GoToMeeting

The meeting was called to order at 14:05 UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Present: Bjorn, Nat, Dave, Henrik, Sascha, Anton, John, Nov

3.   External Org Relationships

3.1.   UK Implementation Entity (Dave)

  • Attended stakeholder meeting. Not technical but road map, as liaison.
  • CMA Implementation trustee. should happen in next couple of weeks.
  • Hard deadline of Jan 2018 for top 9 banks in UK, as in PSD2.
  • Payments UK technical people. Talked about expertiese that FAPI wg can offer. received greatfully.
  • Another meeting: for Data, more on higher level, at the type of data required for OB.
  • Informally accepted the liaison request.
  • Time is important. Maybe we can split the security section and make it reference-able.


Nat to send proposal for the split to the list.

3.2.   Federal Reserve of Minnesota (John)

  • Doing research part of ANSI group. Paul Grassi. Encouraged to join here.

3.3.   EBA Consultation (Dave)

  • Dave sent a draft just before the call.


* Nat to draft liaison requests
* Anoop to follow up with Intuit UK Team (Next week)

4.   Branch issue/26 Error messages (Sascha)

Sascha reported the current state of the issue/26 branch. It now has two chapters. People are encouraged to read it and give feedback.

5.   Working Draft 01

5.1.   Review Results (John)

  • John mainly on section 5 and 6: Not yet done. He will try to do it today and send it to the list.
  • See also #16 below.


John to review and send the result to the list.

6.   Issues

6.1.   #7 Open Data (Dave)

  • issue #7

Dave is going through the schema and taxonomy to see if it can be generalized. It will be done in conjunction with #28.

6.2.   #16 Client Authentication -- Do we need TLS mutual authentication? (Nat)

  • issue #16
  • Mutual Auth TLS profile not defined anywhere for token endpoint. We probably need to do ourselves.
  • Client auth JWT (secret, private key) can also be used, so it is either of them.
  • We probably should not allow Basic auth.
  • John volunteered to craft text.


John to come up with the additional text to be applied and do a pull request.

6.3.   #28 International names for retirement savings account names (Dave/Nat)

  • issue #28
  • Dave is looking through taxonomy and it should be solved together with Open Data.


* All members were asked to review issues on the tracker and comment if necessary.
     * Sascha and John will review as named reviewer.
     * Others please review as well.
* Questions on DDA-Cusotmer-ID.

7.   Events

7.1.   Pre-IIW (John)

  • Location fixed. We will have time allocated. Likely to be 20 min.
  • Sascha is in the process of preparing a presentation. It should be ready for review in two weeks.


* Develop a presentation for the occasion (Lead by Sascha) in two weeks.

7.2.   Pre-IETF (Nat)

  • Nat is yet to call his colleagues in Korea. He will try to do it tomorrow.


* Nat will get in touch with them and get back to the list.

8.   AOB


8.1.   Next Call

  • 2016-09-20 23:00 UTC
    (16:00 PDT, 01:00+1d Denmark, 08:00+1d JST)

The meeting adjourned at 14:50 UTC
