Clone wikifapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2019-11-12_Pacific
FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2019-11-12) *Low attendance - Cancelled meeting*
Date & Time: 2019-11-12 23:00 UTC
Location: GoToMeeting
The meeting was called to order at 23:08 UTC.
1. Roll Call (Anoop)
- Attending: *Low attendance - Cancelled meeting*
- Guests:
- Regrets: Nat
2. Adoption of the Agenda (Anoop)
- Prepare Agenda for next call (Pacific)
Proposed agenda for next week call :
- Discuss Delegated access (CIBA) – Bjorn
- FS-ISAC update
- Documentation of FDX/FAPI (AU CDR)
- FS-ISAC – Fall Conference in Washington DC.
- AU – CDR issue
- Consent Id model (Stuart Low)
- Revoke token (push) or basic auth method. Push use case Beyond revoke ... WebHook Use case
- Discovery/Status/Admin API with no auth method.
3. External Organizations
3.1. Next Call
Next call will be an Atlantic Call. Next Pacific call will be in two weeks.
- The meeting was adjourned at 23:48 UTC.