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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2020-11-11_Atlantic

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2020-11-11)

The meeting was called to order at 14:05 UTC.

1.   Roll Call

  • Attending: Nat, Bjorn, Daniel, Stuart, Dima, Takahiko, Joseph, Brian, Kosuke, Francis, Don, Dave, Chris
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

4.   External Organizations

4.1.   Australia (Dima/Stuart)

Open letter is ready. Nat noticed some spelling errors ( Data holderers, Recipienters) that may be due to Australian English.

Stuart has suggested a list of recipients and a public blog post.

  • Andrew Stevens
  • Paul Franklin/ACCC
  • Daniel McAuliffe
  • Kate Rourke

Not sure where the technical responsibility will be. Chris will forward it to some of his contacts also.

Nat will send the letter to the mailing list and people once the proper addresses are forwarded to him. Don will post it on the OIDF website.

Joseph asked about resources for the Conformance suite and CDR profile. Don will brief the OIDF board on the request and the situation.

One or two banks might certify soon.

Stuart asked whether the conformance suite will incorporate uniquely Australian parts (bidirectional revocation)

Depends on how much work is involved. Need to draw the line somewhere. With the different variations, the current conformance suite can be passed.

Dima suggested drawing the line between security related and CDR payload related.

There have been consultations in regards to the gateway model for energy (pass grants via third party). This Could be used as precedent into banking. Stuart will keep track.

4.2.   Berlin Group (Francis)

No updates. Next week is compliance call and the Berlin Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday.

4.5.   European Commission (Mark/Torsten)

There’s some legislation regarding data sharing which will be released in a few days. Nat will inform the group.

4.7.   Bahrain (Chris)

Last week, Bahrain Central Bank published the Bahrain standards

Ralph stated that the standard is a copy and paste of functional and consent API of OBIE. Didn’t specify how to use FAPI with consent API to build end to end journey. The “hard” parts aren’t specified.

Don suggested he can reach out on behalf of the OIDF to offer assistance to the Bahrain authorities to refine the standards and point out the merits of FAPI conformance to stakeholders. Ralph will coordinate with Don on contacts.

4.8.   Canada ()

FDX Canada plans to use the same specification as FDX US. Regulators are considering how best to provide compliance for financial services marketplace.

CIO council of Canada working to be the official Canadian Standards body. They are registered as an official standard body and subscribe to WTO rules.

4.9.   US-FDX ()

  • Ping is now a co-chair of the technical group.

FDX beginning a formal task force to identify portions of the spec that FDX will be considered as normative.

Wes Dunnington of Ping is co-chair of Security Working Group and will sit as co-hair with Bank of America representative.

Lots of discussion about adopting FAPI but need to work out details.

OIDF beginning to create a license for organizations to have formal and legal process to make normative requirements for FAPI or OpenID Conformance as agreed upon in T&Cs

5.   Certification (Don)

Some substantive changes in design and content are planned for the certification program, FAPI in particular .

Please provide input to Don ( into how that new look and feel, and indexing of the conformance listing would best serve your needs and the needs of the community at large. Goal is to make the directory of conformance easy to navigate in anticipation of increased normative references and increased variations on FAPI profiles.

6.   Drafts

6.1.   FAPI 2.0 (Daniel)

Now ready to move to next stage.

9.   AOB

The meeting was adjourned at 15:00 UTC.
