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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2022-02-16_Atlantic

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2022-02-16)

The meeting was called to order at 14:__ UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat)

  • Attending:
    • Brian Campbel
    • Chris Michael
    • Daniel Fett
    • Dima Postnikov
    • Domingos Creado
    • Don Thibeau
    • Gail Hodges
    • Joseph Heenan
    • Kosuke Koiwai
    • Lukasz Jaromin
    • Michael Palage
    • Mike Leszcz
    • Nat Sakimura
    • Ralph Bragg
    • Rifaat Shekh-Yusef (Okta)
    • Takahiko Kawasaki
  • Regrets: Dave Tonge
  • Guest:

3.   Events (Nat)

3.1.   OAuth Security Workshop (Daniel)

  • Link:
  • A workshop to bring standard people and academics together to discuss the security aspect of esp. OAuth.
  • May 6 - 10.
  • Early bird ticket available until March 17.
  • Hotel booking code is also available.
  • Two parts: Unfonference and more classic part with reviewed submissions.
  • Submissions can be done through calls for sessions page.

4.   Internal Liaison (Nat)

4.1.   iGov WG (Nat)

  • PassKey proposal by Apple (Nat)
    • There are discussions going on in W3C, and Microsoft and Google are likely to follow Apple.

There seems to be some security implications. It may not be classified or assigned AAL in terms with current SP-800-63-4 drafts.

Interested parties should join the discussions.

NIST SP-8-00-63-4 was supposed to be released at the end of January but will be delayed until April due to biometrics discussions.

5.   External Organizations (Nat)

5.1.   Australia (Gail/Mike L.)

Continued to collaborate with DSB to find academic partner in Australia to perform security analysis with U. Stuttgart.

DSB timeline schedule is quite challenging and U. Stuttgart is evaluating the feasibility.

Deadline is late summer/late fall this year.

5.2.   Brazil (Mike L.)

Meeting with open insurance brazil yesterday.

Very early on but they probably adopt OBB Security (FAPI) and certification.

70 institutions for OIB.

Outreach workshops will probably help.

Phase 1 certifications are expected this summer.

5.5.   GAIN (Gail/Mike L.)

OIDF BOD approved MOU and participation agreements.

The latter will be sent out this morning for signatures.

GAIN PoC Community Group will be published on the OIDF site.

A separate page will list executed participation agreements.

5.7.   ISO/TC68 (Nat/Dave)

  • ISO/TS 14742 Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use: Started
  • ISO 11568 Key management (retail) -- Principles, symmetric ciphers and asymmetric cryptosystems, their key management and life cycle: DIS
  • ISO 23195 Security objectives of information systems of third-party payment services: Published June 2021
  • ISO/NP TS 9546 Guidelines for security framework of information systems of TPP services: Starting
  • ISO/AWI 5158 Customer identification guidelines: KYC related spec. DIS.
  • ISO/AWI 5201 customer identification guidelines: QRcode/Barcode payment security. WD.
  • ISO 24366 Natural Person Identifier (NPI): Published Nov 2021.
  • ISO NP 24377 Natural person identifier (NPI) -- authentication, issuance and identification: Starting
  • ISO 5009 Official organizational roles — Scheme for official organizational roles: Published Feb 2022. MA is being set up.

5.9.   Nigeria (Mike)

Had the first call this monday.

Strong need for USSD support for feature phones. Will setup deeper technical dive into FAPI and MODRNA to understand USSD requirements.

5.13.   USA (Gail)

NIST.IR.8389-draft -

We will discuss it as an independent topic below.

6.   Draft NISTIR8389 Cybersecurity Considerations for Open Banking Technology and Emerging Standards

Due: March 3

Purpose and audience of paper unclear. Dima will reach out to authors.

API security section is paltry.

WG should draft a more comprehensive section on API security and provide comments on other sections..

Current state of Open Banking in Japan is also inaccurate. Nat will provide commentary.

People familiar with various jurisdictions/sections should comment on respective parts.

Finalize comments next week.

9.   Issues (Nat)

9.2.   #469 - Add protocol version and variant identifier

Allows AS to determine which protocol version the request is for without analyzing the request.

Keep open until security analysis is done.

Mixing up two protocols might have some consequences if using same endpoint for 2 protocol versions.

Might be useful in multi-tenant situations and migration from FAPI 1.0 to 2.0.

9.3.   #476 - is response_type=code id_token permitted in FAPI2 Baseline? (Joseph)

Dynamic client registration spec explicitly says that clients using hybrid must request the implicit grant.

Might impact OAuth 2.1

The assumption of “token returned from the front channel” is an access token.

May need to update OIDC Core Errata also.

FAPI 2.0 Advance allows ID Token in the front channel for backwards compatibility.

Prohibiting would have ramifications on various specs.

ID Tokens in the front-channel can be modified so RP cannot be certain if ID Token has not been compromised.

Attacker can intercept request and fetch new ID Token for the same nonce.

If using PAR, the attacker cannot get nonce to switch ID Tokens.

Is there any material exploit if the ID Token is attacked?

FAPI 1.0 supported this response type. Disallowing it would question the work of FAPI 1.0.

Daniel will double check formal analysis of FAPI 1.0 / 2.0 to make sure this is not a problem.

10.   AOB (Nat)

The call adjourned at 14:58 UTC
