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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2022-06-15_Atlantic

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2022-06-15)

The meeting was called to order at 14:__ UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat/Dave)

  • Attending:
    • Brian Campbell
    • Daniel Fett
    • Dave Tonge
    • Dima Postnikov
    • Joseph Heenan
    • Lukasz Jaromin
    • Mike Leszcz
    • Nat Sakimura
    • Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

2.   Adoption of Agenda (Dave)

  • Whitepaper feedback.

3.   Events (Dave)

3.1.   Identiverse (Mike)

  • F2F FAPI meeting Wednesday 6/22 normal meeting time (8AM local time) in Summit 2 room.
  • Remote attending available via normal GotoMeeting conference link.
  • Nat, Joseph, Mike, Riffat, Dave, Brian

3.2.   IETF 114

July 23-29, 2022. Philadelphia, USA

5.   External Organizations (Nat)

5.2.   Brazil (Mike L.)

  • Outreach workshop to support Open Insurance certifications. 66 to be certified by Sept 1.
  • Open Banking Brazil finalizing CIBA spec. Early-Mid July to finalize it. Certification to work on it then.
  • Coordinating with Chicago Advisory Partners to re-certify 200 by Dec. 15, starting in Sept.

5.4.   Canada (Gail)

5.5.   EU DIW ARF (Gail)

  • Torsten, Gail and Nat had meeting on June 9 with European Commission member
  • Discussed how OIDF work can fit into architecture

5.6.   FDX (Rifaat/Joseph)

  • Started a process on adopting FAPI 1.0 Part 1.

5.7.   GAIN (Dima/Joseph)

  • Next call on Thursday.
  • Listening tour on trust management going on.
  • Trying to address global trust management

5.8.   IETF OAuth WG (Rifaat)

  • Meeting in six weeks - two official sessions and two side sessions.
  • Agenda being finalized.

5.10.   The Middle East and North Africa (Chris)

  • Meeting with Open Banking Saudi Arabia (SAMA) during Identiverse.

5.12.   New Zealand (Mike)

  • Will have call at 18:30 Pacific on June 15

5.13.   Nigeria (Mike)

  • Follow-up call is scheduled for June 16.

6.   Whitepaper (Dima)

  • Dima provided an overview of the whitepaper that he is working on.
  • Open Banking and Open Data go Global –
  • Perhaps publish it at Identiverse if it's ready?
  • Building on a previous paper by WG which focused on FAPI security profile and it’s global adoption.
  • This paper looks at the wider scope of open data banking, open data and the next steps of global interoperability.
  • Focused on use cases and not technical aspects.

WhitePaper Structure

  • API Ecosystems
    • Private ecosystems
    • Open banking ecosystems
    • Expansion of open banking into open finance and open data
  • Learnings
    • Use cases
    • Building blocks
      • Identity
      • API security profile
      • Trust Management
      • API specifications
  • What’s next
    • Global interoperability
  • Global use cases
    • Global RPs
    • Sharing economy
    • Social networks
    • Cross border payments
    • Credit card schements
  • Solutions
    • Intermediary providers (True Layer, Plaid, Stripe)
      • Different APIs for different jurisdictions
    • Interoperability Layers
      • Identity
      • API Security Profile
      • Trust Management
      • API Specifications
  • Collaboration with others (SWIFT, STET, Berlin Group, FSB, DGX, etc…)

7.   Specs (Dave)

7.1.   Grant Management (Dima)

  • There are now a couple of PRs and Issues.
  • Couple of issues left before going to implementer's draft.

7.3.   FAPI 2 Attack, Baseline and Advanced (Daniel)

  • Name change PR etc. is yet to be created.

7.4.   JARM (Dave)

7.5.   Addressing "User Interface Hijack attack" in FAPI 2? (Nat)

8.   PRs (Dave)

8.2.   Under discussion

  • PR #342 – No Authorization Response encryption is required
    • Encryption does not add much value, PKCE prevents use if leaked
    • Nothing in the code that needs encryption
    • The section seems disorganized and the statement regarding encryption seems out of place.
    • Will need a full description on why encryption is not needed.
    • Need to make a clear statement so there is a reference point for various ecosystems.
    • Main point is to make it clear that encryption does not add much value.
    • Suggestion to add it in security considerations instead of a note
    • Reference 5.4 of JARM to require additional protections even if encryption is used.
  • PR #343 - Change name from baseline to security profile
    • Remove Financial-grade from the name and just use FAPI
    • Change the Baseline name to Security Profile and add references to other specs.
    • The text “we recommend” feels informal.

10.   AOB (Dave)

  • none

The call adjourned at 15:59 UTC
