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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2023-02-15_Atlantic

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2023-02-15)

The meeting was called to order at 14:__ UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Dave/Nat)

  • Attending: Nat, Joseph, Daniel, Filip, George, Jacob, Justin, Kosuke, Nikola, Takahiko, Rifaat, Dave, Domingos, Ali, Pieter
  • Regrets: Mike L.
  • Guest: Piotr,

3.   Events (Nat)

  • OIDF Workshop prior to IIW on Monday, April 17, 2023 — details are being finalized, including the agenda, but MSFT will be hosting us in Mountain View. Please let me know if the FAPI WG would like to host a face-to-face WG meeting late morning on April 17th prior to the workshop.
  • OIDF Workshop at EIC on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 — initial agenda and presenters have been shared with the conference organizers.

5.   External Orgs & Liaisons (Mike L.)

5.1.   Brazil (Mike L.)

5.1.1.   Open Finance Brazil

  • Continue to receive certification and recertification requests on a regular basis
  • Still awaiting feedback on the final CIBA spec for OFBR

5.1.2.   Open Insurance Brazil

  • Continue to receive certification requests
  • Certification team recently provided guidance to OPIN on RP spec/testing
  • First one came in

5.2.   Saudi Arabia (Mike L.)

  • SAMA and OIDF hosted a workshop for Phase 1 KSA banks required to certify earlier today. Provided overviews of the Foundation, FAPI and certification followed by a detailed demonstration of the KSA FAPI Profile OP conformance tests. We had approximately 65 participants for the workshop. Thank you to Domingos for his leadership on the workshop.
  • KSA FAPI Profile OP certifications are open as of today.
  • KSA FAPI Profile RP tests have been developed and are under review. The goal is to have those available for testing within the next week. We will open KSA RP certifications once we have had a chance to review and confirm the initial testing activity.
  • We've had the first KSA bank successfully OP certify
  • OP testing has increased
  • RP tests are available for testing with the goal of opening RP certifications next week
  • Coordinating an RP workshop with SAMA - date still to be confirmed

6.   Message Signing (Dave)

9.   AOB (Nat)


The call adjourned at 14:__
