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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2023-03-09_Pacific

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2023-03-09)

Date & Time: 2023-03-10 01:00 UTC 17:00 PST (5pm)


The meeting was called to order at 01:00 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Anoop)

  • Attendees: Mark, Ed, David, Dima and Anoop
  • Regrets: Nat


  • Events update
    • OIDF Workshop prior to IIW on Monday, April 17, 2023 (Microsoft - Mountain view, CA US)
    • OIDF Workshop at EIC on Tuesday, May 9, 2023
  • External Orgs/Liaison update :
    • Canada
      • Callers agreed to advise in the same line as we did for Saudi.
      • Joseph to discuss with Gail on the implementation of the wording.
      • Small group checkpoint held at their request 2/27
      • No decisions on spec selection yet, but it sounds like they are getting close to making decisions. They are also moving at pace towards a rapid market launch.
      • Timely support of questions like those above in (1) is important) to support their due process
      • They confirmed they had read all of our whitepapers (drafts and finals) and found them to be very valuable documents. This is a great tribute to the lead editors and contributors—your work is appreciated and seems to be resonating!
    • SAMA/Saudi
      • We hosted an RP conformance test and certification workshop for SAMA yesterday with approximately 50 participants. Domingos Creado did an excellent job walking the participants through the RP conformance suite and certification
      • Expect to see 10 more KSA banks certified in next few weeks
    • AU Update
  • Work package 2 - security attacker model
    • Discuss scope in Atlantic call next week
  • Atlantic Call update
    • PR 411 - Attempt at clarifying request-response binding
      • Callers agreed to replace the text with a "nice place holder" for the next implementer's draft.
      • Joseph and Dave to discuss how to implement it.
      • Need to get more clarity on this from Nat.
    • PR 406 - initial work on privacy for message signing
      • Kosuke to suggest a concrete wording on the correlation issues.
    • PR 407 - request parameters via front channel clarification
      • Server-side text to be done in another PR.
      • Dima just need to resolve the conflict before getting it merged. ( Update from Dima - this is resolved)
  • NIST (March 24th 2023)
    • NISTIR 8389
    • SP800-63-4ipd
  • Shared Spreadsheet:
    • Mark is creating a plan to cope with them and he will keep the WG updated.
  • Anoop is traveling 3/19 to 3/24 for an offsite,
    • Next Call : keep it (need volunteer) or cancel it?

2.   Next Call

Next call will be an Pacific Call. Next Pacific call will be in two weeks (03-23-2023 @ 5pm PST) UTC - 03-24-2023 1:00 AM.
