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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2023-03-22_Atlantic

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2023-03-22)

The meeting was called to order at 14:02 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Dave/Nat)

  • Attending: Dave, Nat, Chris, Takahiko, Michael, Mike L. Dima, Daniel, Justin, Kelly, Brian, Filip, Bjorn, Lukasz, Kosuke, Gail
  • Regrets: Joseph
  • Guest:

2.   Adoption of Agenda (Dave/Nat)

  • Adopted as presented as draft agenda.

4.   Internal Liaisons

4.1.   NIST SP800-63-4ipd Comments

6.   Draft Updates

6.1.   Message Signing (Dave)

  • Dave has sent the fixed Implementer's draft documents to Mike J.

6.2.   Grant Management (Dima)

  • Dima is applying the fix and is sending the draft out.

7.   PRs (Dave)

  • Apart from one PR that we are parking until HTTP signature is settled, there is no standing PR.
  • Request/Response binding fix is waiting for IETF result next week.

9.   AOB (Nat)

  • none

The call adjourned at 14:59
