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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2023-11-16_Pacific

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2023-11-16)

Date & Time: 2023-11-17 00:00 UTC Location:

The meeting was called to order at 00:00 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Anoop)

  • Attendees: Nat, Bjorn, Victor, Ralph, Anoop, Dima, Ed
  • Regrets:

2.   Events Update

2.1.   Annual Board Meeting in Japan and workshop

  • Board meeting on Jan 18.
  • Workshop that afternoon.
  • Virtual participation is possible. -

3.   Liaison/Ext Org

3.1.   Saudi

  • About to publish standard. Sticking to the same security profile for now. FAPI1 Adv + PAR.

3.4.   Open Finance Brasil

  • Simplified profile testing starting in Feb.
  • New profile to be in effect in May.

3.5.   CFPB

  • Feedback due 12/14/23
  • Two calls scheduled:
    • EU & US focussed slot - 17th November – 16:30 GMT – 11:30 EST – 08:30 PT
    • EU & Asia focussed slot – 16th November – 10:30 GMT – 19:30 JST – 21:30 Aus
  • Please get in touch with Mark for the call-in info.
  • Lukasz: Who would be the SSO recognised?
  • Joseph: SSO probably means FDX.

3.6.   IETF/OAuth

  • Scope questions of OAuth as some of the VC related work may belong to new proposed WG that had BoF.
  • SD-JWT, SD-JWT-VC, attestation-based client authentication, OAuth Status List.
  • Browser based app discussion. New authors joining to help this documentation. Significantly improved.
  • Transaction tokens and Identity chaining.

** Good support for adopting the document. Official call for adoption in the ML.

6.   Next Call

Next call will be an Pacific Call. Next Pacific call will be in two weeks (11-30-2023 @ 5pm PST) UTC - 12-01-2023 1:00 AM.
