
Clone wiki

HEART / 2015-02-09

Roll call stats

15/21 on the call were members

25 have submitted IPR - reminder - specify the working group as “OpenID HEART"

Listserv count up to 81

'ACE-style' use case bashing:

Debbie attempted to super-simplify what Kathleen presented last week, into the “ACE” style. She picked the “Multiple Portals” use case to focus on, and she took out the VA specificity. Eve lightly edited it. Kathleen thinks it looks good.

Debbie made an attempt at an Authorization Problems Summary. Some comments: Can we add something about Alice being present, or were we intending to eliminate that? On the other hand, would this be a generic scenario, and should we add specific use cases that would have their own authorization problem summaries that would get into that level of detail on their own? Justin suggests editing U2.5 by saying “…where possible, and authorize in real time where necessary.”

Technology Level Set

OpenID Connect presentation by Justin (

Justin picked up where he left off last week. Hedistinguished OAuth (chocolate) and OpenID Connect (fudge). OAuth doesn’t do any authentication-related jobs, such as identification or session persistence; this is where OIDC comes in.

Adrian asks: What about an HIE that has no patient portal, and is in a third-party data broker role? Eve remarks that if the patient has no way to manage protected resources at that HIE, then those resources aren’t “user-managed”, but rather exchanged on a back channel with respect to that patient.

UMA presentation by Eve (

General Announcements

For those willing to edit the wiki, create a bitbucket account ( if you dont have one or send info to Debbie will add Bitbucket rights, and she’ll expose the use case publicly that she was showing on the screen. People can also send email to the list to have Debbie and Eve add wiki content.

We’re not meeting next week, but will pick up again on Feb 23 to work on more specific use cases, including Registration.

Going forward - Meeting notes archived on the wiki and resource links can be found -
