CIBA: How about backchannel_notification_token?

Issue #116 wontfix
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

If the name of the client_notification_endpoint metadata is changed to backchannel_notification_endpoint (#115), it will be better to change the name of the client_notification_token request parameter to backchannel_notification_token, too.

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Campbell

    IMHO client_notification_token is a better and more meaningful name. And has been that for quite a while now. So I don't think there's good reason to change it, even if #115 results in change to the metadata name.

  2. Brian Campbell

    Discussed during the Nov 13 MODRNA WG call and the general consensus of the WG was also not to change from the current name of client_notification_token

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