Sub in request example but not in documentation

Issue #14 resolved
Pamela Dingle created an issue

In the "Example Decoded - Non Normative JWT decoded For Illustration" section of the registration specification, the example registration request contains a sub attribute, but that attribute is not listed in the rest of the spec at all.

Is this a bug in the documentation or a bug in the example?

Comments (2)

  1. Pamela Dingle reporter

    The sub line is just an artifact of an old example. The example is likely wrong in a number of other ways, but fixing this for consistency now. Will update example to match docs, look for a commit that closes this issue

  2. Pamela Dingle reporter

    fixes #14 removing sub from decoded request example and updating software_id value to correctly match the software statement software_client_id value

    → <<cset 71b2343cf9a0>>

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