Create flow diagram of how the system components work together

Issue #448 resolved
David Platten created an issue

I would find it useful to have a diagram that shows how the system components work together. For example:

Populating the database

  • Modality sends DICOM objects to OpenREM's store SCP
  • The store SCP (Conquest in my case) applies the rules in dicom.ini to each object
  • Data from the object is extracted by the appropriate python script or the object is deleted if the extraction rules don't apply
  • Calculation of skin dose map occurs if appropriate / possible
  • The object is deleted from OpenREM's store

There could be other diagrams for other elements of the system.

Read the docs has Graphviz built-in that can help with this. See

Test doc page to see with in progress:

Comments (43)

  1. David Platten reporter

    @edmcdonagh, it would be good to use a proper database symbol for PostgreSQL, but "shape=cylinder" doesn't work on the existing read the docs install. The cylinder shape is now available ( Is there a way of updating the version of graphviz that read the docs is using so that the cylinder works?

  2. David Platten reporter

    Made nodes a little smaller, and reduced font size. I'm not able to produce a good-looking chart that is much narrower than this at the moment. May re-visit this at the weekend. References issue #448

    → <<cset 3531fd952b50>>

  3. David Platten reporter

    @edmcdonagh, would you create a documentation set for the issue448UpdateSystemDiagram branch so that I can check that the changes I've made haven't broken anything?

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