Study date ordering option on home page modality hyperlinks is incorrect

Issue #1000 resolved
David Platten created an issue
<a href="{% url url_name %}?generalequipmentmoduleattr__unique_equipment_name__display_name={{ details.generalequipmentmoduleattr__unique_equipment_name__display_name }}&o=-study_date">

The above is an example, where o=-study_date is used. This results in a message on the linked page under the Ordering option saying, “Select a valid choice. -study_date is not one of the available choices.”

At some point the choice for study_date ordering has changed to time_date. The links in the home-list-modalities.html template need to be updated.

Comments (4)

  1. David Platten reporter

    As well as the html template mentioned in the description there are also some test files that use the old syntax.

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