Make skin dose map calculation a background task

Issue #1007 new
David Platten created an issue

Ensure skin dose maps are calculated as background tasks whenever they are calculated. Will need to check that a particular skin dose map is not already being worked on before starting a new background task.

Comments (20)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Added calculation progress to the task so a user can see how the task is doing in the task view. Refreshing the rf_detail view also shows current progress (although this is requires the user to refresh the page). Refs issue #1007

    → <<cset 5c1d008507b8>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    Updating background task attributes if skin maps disabled, or if calculation fails. Can use this to update the status on the rf_detail page (not yet coded). Refs issue #1007

    → <<cset de7e79190bc8>>

  3. David Platten reporter

    Improving messaging when skin dose maps fail or are disabled. Need to add code that will enable the user to force a recalculation of a skin dose map. Tests will fail at the moment, so [skipci]. Refs issue #1007

    → <<cset 973e13dfd634>>

  4. Ed McDonagh

    I had just decided to go with the openbsd version but I think it won’t make any difference to us - we're just checking the ports are listening.

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