Clicking on Submit button when at a /openrem/ct/hist/ URL from an acquisition data plot causes a server error

Issue #146 resolved
David Platten created an issue

When clicking on Submit when at a /openrem/ct/hist/ URL from an acquisition data plot causes a server error. This is because the underlying code that is called from /hist/ (dx_histogram_list_filter or ct_histogram_list_filter in defaults to a "study" histogram analysis if a variable called "acquisition" is not passed in the request. This code fails because one of study_description, study_dap_min, study_dap_max, study_dlp_min or study_dlp_max are not present.

Comments (1)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Added specific studyhist option and associated code for creating histogram data. Fixes issue #146. If neither studyhist or acquisitionhist is passed to dx_histogram_list_filter or ct_histogram_list_filter then the routines default to the same behaviour as the non-histogram filters.

    → <<cset e6c230bc5b24>>

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