Make size of exported chart graphics follow that of the window size

Issue #315 resolved
David Platten created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Set default export size of all radiographic charts to be equal to the browser viewport. May be more sensible to put this in the individual chart JavaScript files. Also added JavaScript to update the export width and height when the browser is resized. References issue #315.

    → <<cset 746e20a5b753>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    Set default export size of all CT charts to be equal to the browser viewport. Also added JavaScript to update the export width and height when the browser is resized. References issue #315. The CT code needs checking to ensure that it works.

    → <<cset cdf0cec53bbb>>

  3. David Platten reporter

    Set default export size of all radiographic charts to be equal to the browser viewport. May be more sensible to put this in the individual chart JavaScript files. Also added JavaScript to update the export width and height when the browser is resized. References issue #315.

    → <<cset 746e20a5b753>>

  4. David Platten reporter

    Set default export size of all CT charts to be equal to the browser viewport. Also added JavaScript to update the export width and height when the browser is resized. References issue #315. The CT code needs checking to ensure that it works.

    → <<cset cdf0cec53bbb>>

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