Export RF to XLSX can't cope with multiple filters

Issue #442 resolved
Luuk created an issue

Actually the same issue as #430, but for RF (rf_export.py; line 387):

Task remapp.exports.rf_export.rfxlsx[97e5cc1f-b1c6-47d1-86d6-27d0463ad6b3] raised unexpected: MultipleObjectsReturned('get() returned more than one XrayFilters -- it returned 2!',)

Comments (21)

  1. Ed McDonagh

    Thanks for the report @LuukO

    It is the same in that it is the .get() that is triggering the error when there is more than one filter (should be .all()), but different in that the DX code has a method of looping through the filters, which needs to be added to the RF export.

    Is this something you want to have a go at? Maybe by forking the repo on bitbucket, checking out the issue442RFfilterexports branch, making your changes and sending me a pull request aimed at that branch.

  2. Ed McDonagh

    I don't think my fluoro kit has multiple filters, just different thickensses of copper, which is why I didn't spot it!

  3. Ed McDonagh

    ref #442 Solved multiple x-ray filter issue in export of RF data Removed unused and double imports Solved issue with non-existing data (Philips Veradius doesn't send a.o. kVp / minimum filter thickness) Added comments marked with LO for later review (not related to current issue)

    Signed-off-by: UMCN\z627112 luuk_oostveen@hotmail.com

    → <<cset 66ce8f28afa4>>

  4. Ed McDonagh

    Removed concept of pre-testing to check for tables for DX csv export. Dropped use of export_safe too, using replace_comma instead. Might not have been a good idea as now have unicode errors so currently broken. Refs #430, #442

    → <<cset c76adeb4cf22>>

  5. Ed McDonagh

    All unicode errors resolved. DX export to csv should now work more robustly! Need to see what is happening with filters on the skeletal survey example I have. Refs #430, #442

    → <<cset e3789d896d69>>

  6. Ed McDonagh

    Thanks @LuukO - I had the other one prepared and I've been given permission now. But I'll keep that offer in mind if I need a second one!

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