Exception in qrscu: assocMove = None?

Issue #531 resolved
Tim de Wit created an issue

After the query-bug being resolved by AGFA I finally tried to automate the SR retrievals with qrscu. However, this morning I found a large number of errors in my logfile. Any ideas? Association timeouts?

[2017-07-24 15:56:33,549: ERROR/PoolWorker-3] Task remapp.netdicom.qrscu.movescu[1aa65cbf-4db8-473d-963e-8da06e00d782] raised unexpected: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'StudyRootMoveSOPClass'",)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 367, in trace_task
    R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 622, in __protected_call__
    return self.run(*args, **kwargs)
  File "remapp/netdicom/qrscu.py", line 851, in movescu
    study.modality, study_no, studies.count(), series_no, study.dicomqrrspseries_set.all().count(),
  File "remapp/netdicom/qrscu.py", line 49, in _move_req
    gen = assocMove.StudyRootMoveSOPClass.SCU(d, my_ae.getName(), 1)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'StudyRootMoveSOPClass'

Comments (7)

  1. Ed McDonagh

    This would suggest the association failed, so we shouldn't have proceeded to try starting the move.

    Which version is this on?

  2. Tim de Wit reporter

    Yes it did.. so I think the specific Pacs node/server crashed or became unresponsive at some point. Main issue indeed seems to be to properly handle the error.

  3. Ed McDonagh

    Looked at the code - there is currently no checking that the association is successful for the move operation, unlike the other associations. I'll fix it when I've decided where I'm going with issue #530

  4. Tim de Wit reporter

    If you do, could you please also fix a cosmetic issue?

    assoc = _create_association(MyAE, rh, rp, RemoteAE)

    RemoteAE is a (readable) dict, but MyAE is an object and should be replaced by a similar dict.

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