Patient Orientation Modifier is not extracted from RDSR

Issue #561 resolved
Luuk created an issue

Patient Orientation Modifier is missed because we're looking for it at the same nesting level as Patient Orientation, but it is one nesting level deeper (as it is a concept modifier of Patient Orientation).

Comments (4)

  1. Luuk reporter

    Refs #561 Extract Patient Orientation Modifier correctly

    Made the extraction one nesting level deeper (as it is concept modifier of Patient Orientation)

    → <<cset 3086b2d75998>>

  2. Ed McDonagh

    Merged in Issue561PatientOrientationModifier (pull request #129)

    Fixes #561 Extract Patient Orientation Modifier correctly

    Tested import using file previously provided. @LuukO it would be good to have version with just a few events in to add to the automated testing. Adding this one would make the tests take too long!

    → <<cset 8ea8fd6b32a4>>

  3. Luuk reporter

    @edmcdonagh you can remove this test file and use RF-RDSR-Philips_Allura.dcm for the purpose. It is the same concerning this issue.

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