0.10.0 release

Issue #756 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (25)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    I’ve created a copy of my OpenREM machine and upgraded it. The migration took from Friday evening till this morning… so about 2.5 days. That was for 380,000 studies, including 230,000 CT studies. These took by far the longest - the other modalities were done Friday evening I think. I had four workers.

  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    I’ve asked @Laurence King to use the test system to do the PHE X-ray and fluoroscopy dose survey to test the functionality and the docs.

    Has anyone else managed to spin up a test system with 0.10 on? Are you planning to?

  3. David Platten

    @Ed McDonagh is there a specific branch that I can test, or should I just use the develop branch?

  4. David Platten

    Is there anything in particular that you want me to look out for? I’ll use it to export data for the PHE x-ray and fluoroscopy dose surveys.

  5. David Platten

    I’ve just found an issue with incorrect labelling of a CT chart of CTDIvol per acquisition. It only affects the charts when “Plot a series per system” is unchecked.

  6. David Platten

    Corrected typo in BigBore. Added hyperlink to DICOM standard change proposals and included more text in the document so that users know what this is [skip ci] - docs only. References issue #756

    → <<cset 34e13aab1aa7>>

  7. David Platten

    Updated the system diagram document to include Orthanc; included links to DICOM store installation and configuration pages. [skip ci] as doc changes only. References issue #756

    → <<cset 4a411f97a7c9>>

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