Dual plane fluoro presents as two exams per study in filtered view
Issue #763
Dual plane fluoro presents as two exams per study in the filtered view, but the correct one in detail view.
The summed DAP and RP dose are correct in both cases.
Comments (5)
reporter -
reporter Checks for existing entry in table before adding new one. Refs
#763→ <<cset 5976a79aa427>>
reporter Updated changes with ref
#763→ <<cset 68c3657fb31f>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
Merged in issue763dualplanefluorocount (pull request #311)
Checks for existing entry in table before adding new one. Fixes
#763Approved-by: David Platten
→ <<cset 31596bf2553a>>
reporter - changed milestone to 0.10.0
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Addresses ref
#763. Will separate out into PR. Refs#759→ <<cset d4c4cdc995eb>>