Over-time charts fail to plot with large number of sub-plots

Issue #893 resolved
David Platten created an issue

This chart type fails on my test system when I try to plot median DLP over time for 236,000 studies. I think it’s related to my forced use of render_mode=”web_gl”.

Comments (3)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Changing render_mode to svg. The line charts of 236,000 CT studies over time, with about 200 sub-plots, now works correctly. The svg setting is required, as without it the chart uses an automatic setting which reverts to webgl rendering when a certain number chart points are reached, causing the same problem as before. Refs issue #893

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  2. David Platten reporter

    It’s worth pointing out here that the scatter charts also use the webgl render mode. However, for these webgl is absolutely required due to the very large number of data points involved on the charts, such as mammography charts of acquisition AGD vs. compressed breast thickness. On my test system with 133,000 studies (so roughly 500,000 individual acquisitions), the charts of acquisition AGD vs. compressed breast thickness works perfectly using webgl rendering, but crashes my browser if I set the render mode to svg.

  3. David Platten reporter

    Merged in issue893overTimeChartFailure (pull request #442)

    Changing render_mode to svg. The line charts of 236,000 CT studies over time, with about 200 sub-plots, now works correctly. The svg setting is required, as without it the chart uses an automatic setting which reverts to webgl rendering when a certain num

    Approved-by: Ed McDonagh

    Fixes issue #893

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