Display name page is slow to populate

Issue #983 resolved
David Platten created an issue

The population of the How many studies and Date of last study columns when viewing the openrem/viewdisplaynames/ page is very slow on my live system. The data to populate these columns is obtained from individual queries for each display name. I think they could all be done at once for each modality.

For example, for CT line 383 of views_admin.py could be replaced with:

from django.db.models import Count, Max
name_set = f.filter(generalequipmentmoduleattr__general_study_module_attributes__modality_type="CT").distinct().annotate(num_entries=Count("generalequipmentmoduleattr__general_study_module_attributes__modality_type"), lates

This annotates a field called num_entries which will contain the number of studies for each name, and annotates another field called latest_entry_date containing the date of the most recent study from that entry.

This would avoid the need for the many individual queries for each modality and the associated Ajax calls.

A question: why does the How many studies column have two values in? Presumably what I am suggesting won’t quite cope with whatever that reason is (dual modality, perhaps?).

Comments (16)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Retrieving count and date of latest study for all systems of a given modality all at once, rather than one at a time. This update has removed the 'xxx (of xxxx)' display of the number of studies for each modality. The 'How many studies' column now just shows the total number of studies for that modality. Refs issue #983

    → <<cset 00bad6cfbeec>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    I’ve made these changes because I’ve been using the viewdisplaynames page quite a bit on my live system recently, and it is really slow to populate. It can take several minutes for the page to fully populate. When using the code from this branch it takes a few tens of seconds.

    On my high-end test system (16 core AMD Ryzen 5950X, 64 GB RAM) I have used the Django debug toolbar to time things: the develop branch takes 21s to fully populate. On the same system this branch takes 3s to fully populate.

  3. David Platten reporter

    Another set of timings from the Django debug toolbar with OpenREM, this time running on my laptop:

    131s to fully populate the page (develop branch)

    33s to fully populate the page (issue983speedUpDisplayNamePage branch)

    These are the number of display name entries and studies in my test system:

    Modality Number of display name entries Number of studies
    CT 118 359298
    Fluoroscopy 53 22164
    Mammography 64 186068
    Radiography 163 996401
    Nuclear medicine 1 1

  4. Ed McDonagh

    HI David

    The x (of x) does seem to relate to dual modality devices. What does your branch do with those - count just the studies of that modality of that device, or count all the studies of that device and display it twice (once in each table)?

  5. David Platten reporter

    For dual-modalities my branch just counts all the studies of that device and displays the value in the radiographic and fluoroscopy entry.

  6. David Platten reporter

    Added a method to obtain the count of failed imports for all modalities in a single query, rather than running a query per modality. Now only needs to be called once. Refs issue #983

    → <<cset 0912ccc5388d>>

  7. David Platten reporter

    For the OT modality, replaced the multiple joined ~Q statements in the filter with a single __in Q statement - this is much faster. I've also changed the Count annotations to use Count(generalequipmentmoduleattr__pk) which may be a little quicker than Count(generalequipmentmoduleattr). Refs issue #983

    → <<cset 43cab27877dc>>

  8. David Platten reporter

    Replaced chained Q statements with a single Q(__in) statement where possible in views_admin.py. Removed all __exact in views_admin.py because __exact is implied, so not required. Refs issue #983

    → <<cset d06553e8dd68>>

  9. David Platten reporter

    Replaced chained Q statements with a single Q(__in) statement where possible in views.py. Removed all __exact in views.py because __exact is implied, so not required. Refs issue #983

    → <<cset 0cc5dbd447bf>>

  10. David Platten reporter

    Replaced all occurences of chained Q statements with a single Q(__in) statement. Removed some __exact because __exact is implied, so not required. Refs issue #983

    → <<cset 43379d706bbc>>

  11. David Platten reporter
    • changed milestone to 1.0.0

    I’d really like this update to be in version 1.0 because it improves the usability of the display name page.

  12. Ed McDonagh

    View Display Names page, fresh server installs with same database imported. 670 entries across CT, Fluoro, Mammo, Radiography, Other.

    1.0.0b2 This branch
    53.56 s 54.76 s 13.07 s 14.34 s

    For systems that are dual modality, as suggested this branch presents the total number of studies in both the Fluoro and Radiography tables, but if you Review you can see the of which x are DX etc numbers.

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