Boxplots fail if a category has zero entries

Issue #992 resolved
David Platten created an issue

This can happen if a user chooses to plot a bar chart and box plot. The existing box plot code removes na entries from the df_value_col. This can then leave unused x_ray_system_name categories, which causes the plot to completely fail.

The fix is to remove unused x_ray_system_categories after the dropna in the plotly_boxplot method.

Comments (3)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Removing unused x_ray_system_name categories after the dropna command in the boxplot routine. This prevents failure of boxplots if there are any x_ray_system_name categories with no data. Also removed unnecessary FutureWarning suppression in two places as these commands no longer result in the warning. Also added a description of the char_wrap parameter in create_dataframe method. Refs issue #992

    → <<cset a61d4121b700>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    Merged in issue992BoxPlotFailureIfEmptyXraySystemCategories (pull request #586)

    Removing unused x_ray_system_name categories after the dropna command in the boxplot routine to prevent failure of boxplots

    Approved-by: Ed McDonagh

    Fixes issue #992

    → <<cset 0d2ec0806546>>

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