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SimwoodAPI / Numbers / 999

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Number Configuration - 999 Emergency Services

Fetch or update emergency services details, You must do your own logic to check whether fields are required or not.

  • For Individual End Users: There title and forname, including their address is required.
  • Business End Users: The company name, suffix and their address is required.

Get usage:

$simwood->numbers->emergency_services($account_id, '44198123456');

Update usage for (Individual End User):

$simwood->numbers->emergency_services($account_id, $number, [
    'title' => 'Mr',
    'forename' => 'Lawrence',
    'name' => 'Cherone',
    'premises' => '123',              // (e.g. 104, The Lighthouse, Thatched Cottage)
    'thoroughfare' => 'Street name',  // (e.g. King Street, Station Road, Beech Avenue)
    'locality' => 'Some town',        // Village or an area within an Town and Town if possible
    'postcode' => 'PO11 1AB'          // The full current postcode as recognised by Royal Mail’s -
                                      //  PAF database. This must be in the form Out-code space In -
                                      //  code e.g. LS11 5DF, S9 5AD, S60 3ML

Update usage for (Business End User):

$simwood->numbers->emergency_services($account_id, $number, [
    'name' => 'Company4U',            // Business names should be chosen that best allow the 
                                      //  Emergency Services to identify and locate the business
                                      //  typically this is the "name over the door" rather than 
                                      //  that of a parent or holding company irrespective of who 
                                      //  you address the bill to.

    'bussuffix' => 'Ltd'              // Addition to business name (e.g. Ltd or Plc) this can also 
                                      //  be used to include a brief description that identifies
                                      //  the function of the business 
                                      //  - e.g. "Hospital", "Hotel", "Fuel Storage Depot" provides 
                                      //  valuable extra information to the Emergency Services.
    'premises' => '123',              // (e.g. 104, The Lighthouse, Thatched Cottage)
    'thoroughfare' => 'Street name',  // (e.g. King Street, Station Road, Beech Avenue)
    'locality' => 'Some town',        // Village or an area within an Town and Town if possible
    'postcode' => 'PO11 1AB'          // The full current postcode as recognised by Royal Mail™
                                      //  PAF database. This must be in the form Out-code space In
                                      //  code e.g. LS11 5DF, S9 5AD, S60 3ML
