
Clone wiki

SimwoodAPI / Numbers / Ranges

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Numbers - Ranges

Retrieves a list of all available number ranges, including descriptions. This is intended for customers to populate, for example, a drop down to allow customers to select an area.

 * @param int $account_id   - The account id which is provided to you by simwood
 * @return object




stdClass Object
    [success] => 1
    [data] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 03dd542cafcecf43fc06024ee6099311424c71cf
                    [prefix] => 113403
                    [sabc] => 1134
                    [description] => Geographic - Leeds
                    [chargeband] => geo

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => c36965d451c1fa708b1c84332af9f52094a16c48
                    [prefix] => 114312
                    [sabc] => 1143
                    [description] => Geographic - Sheffield
                    [chargeband] => geo
