Maximum skin dose

Issue #3 closed
Jonathan Cole created an issue

The main function should return the maximum skin dose or other useful properties (such as area over 5 Gy etc).

Comments (16)

  1. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Added new file to contain a class that will eventually enable OpenREM and other applications to access OpenSkin's methods. The file contains skeleton code that was supplied by Ed in issue #1. References issue #3

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  2. Jonathan Cole reporter

    A couple of minor edits. For a 3D phantom my use of the CalcExpMap class in produces exactly the same numerical result as the old method used in This has been tested on just one csv export from OpenREM. Not tested on a flat phantom yet. References issue #3

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  3. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Added code to enable an array of dose values to be obtained, representing the dose map. Also added some new properties of the 3D phantom model that reflect its dimensions (the existing 'width' property isn't really its width, but the total distance around the phantom. References issue #3

    → <<cset 46dbeb1af6bb>>

  4. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Removed some unneccesary imports from Moved the png import to the png creation routine. Used thresholdDose variable instead of hard-written values. References issue #3

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  5. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Added the width of the flat part of the phantom and the distance around the curved edge to the 3D phantom properties. These will be useful when splitting the totalDose array into front, back, left and right parts for 3D display. References issue #3

    → <<cset f867bd369b53>>

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