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mup / SOFT-CON


since MUP_R20160321


We have developed a novel SOFT-CON module to implement the input and output soft constraints into the LMI-based robust MPC design. As a result, we can design robust MPC subject to the soft constraints in effective and uer friendly way.


To implement the soft constraints using MUP's module SOFT-CON, various additional parameters are necessary.

SOFT-CON requires structure PARAM of the following parameters related to soft constraints implementation:

  • param.u_sl = u_sl; % input soft constraints
  • param.y_sl = y_sl; % output soft constraints
  • param.Wsu = Wsu; % weighting matrix of input-related slack variables utilization
  • param.Wsy = Wsy; % weighting matrix of output-related slack variables utilization
  • param.Esu = Esu; % indication matrix of soft-constrained inputs
  • param.Esy = Esy; % indication matrix of soft-constrained outputs


  • Symmetric input soft constraints: u_sl: [real-valued Nsu-dimensional vector is required] - vector of input soft constraints.
  • Symmetric output soft constraints: y_sl: [real-valued Nsy-dimensional vector is required] - vector of output soft constraints.
  • Cost Function Weight of input-slacks: Wsu: [semidefinite real-valued Nsu-dimensional diagonal square matrix is required] - the weight matrix of soft-constrained system inputs of quadratic cost function.
  • Cost Function Weight of output-slacks: Wsy: [semidefinite real-valued Nsy-dimensional diagonal square matrix is required] - the weight matrix of soft-constrained system oututs of quadratic cost function.
  • Input soft-constraints indication: Esu: [Nsu x Nu -dimensional matrix is required] - the one-element of this matrix indicates the soft-constrained system inputs.
  • Output soft-constraints indication: Esy: [Nsy x Ny -dimensional matrix is required] - the one-element of this matrix indicates the soft-constrained system oututs.

Note: RMPC_BLOCK Mask SOFT-CON enables to interpret the matrices in advanced way, i.e., it is sufficient to set the control inputs and/or system outputs that are not soft-constrained using the value inifinity (Inf) and these particular parameters will be skipped for soft-consraints implementation.

Supported robust MPC design methods

Here are listed currently supported robust MPC design methods (this list is going to be extended soon):

  • Kothare et al. (1996) - soft-con,
  • Wan et al. (2003) - soft-con,
  • Cao et al. (2005) - soft-con,
  • NSO and ACIS - soft-con,


The detail information about the considered form of soft constraint implementation from theoretical point of view can be found in the following paper. If you use the MUP's module SOFT-CON, then cite the paper, please.


author = {J. Oravec and M. Bako\v{s}ov\'a},

title = {Soft Constraints in the Robust MPC Design via {LMI}s},

booktitle = {IEEE American Control Conference},

pages = {3588-3593},

year = {2016},

address = {Boston, MA, USA},



You can run the demo project of robust MPC design using the MATLAB/Simulink block RMPC_BLOCK to investigate the properties of the MUP's module SOFT-CON.

To run CLI-based demo of robust MPC design subject to soft constraints you can type:

or you can type:
to run demo of robust MPC design subject to soft constraints using the MATLAB/Simulink block RMPC_BLOCK.
